California Gold Nutrition, Fungiology, трутовик лакированный с зеленым чаем и рибозой, энергетическая смесь, 2 жидких унции (60 мл)

  • Fungiology Energy Blend, by California Gold Nutrition
  • Organic Red Reishi with Green Tea, Schizandra, Yerba Mate & D-Ribose
  • Supports Healthy Energy*
  • Easy to Use Liquid Drops
  • Suitable for Vegetarians & Vegans
  • Formulated to Contain: No Gluten, No GMOs, No Soy
  • Produced in a 3rd Party Audited cGMP Registered (Certified) Facility

Fungiology Energy Blend, by California Gold Nutrition, combines the wisdom of ancient traditions with modern science and features organic Red Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum), Green Tea (Camellia sinensis), Schizandra (Schisandra chinensis), Yerba Mate (Ilex paraguariensis) and D-Ribose.

Red Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) Mushroom

Our Organic Red Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) mushrooms are from Hokkaido, Japan and grown on hardwood. The Fruiting Body of Reishi contains a variety of phytochemicals such as triterpenoids and polysaccharides which studies have shown to support healthy immune function, general wellness and vitality.*

Green Tea (Camellia sinensis)

Green tea (Camellia sinensis) has a long culinary history and has been recognized by traditional healing modalities for centuries for its ability to support good health and wellness. Modern research has identified numerous health promoting compounds in Green Tea such as polyphenolic catechins and the amino acid L-Theanine.*

Schizandra (Schisandra chinensis)

Traditional Chinese Medicine has valued Schizandra (Schisandra chinensis) for thousands of years and in ancient texts have described its ability to “prolong life without ageing”. Schizandra is also legendary in Russia with stories of Siberian hunters that used it to improve stamina and inspired research as far back as the 1940s. Today, Schizandra is recognized as an adaptogen that can help to support the body’s resistance to fatigue.*

Yerba Mate (Ilex paraguariensis)

Often enjoyed as a beverage, Yerba maté is renowned throughout South America for its rejuvenating and energizing effects. Many of the compounds found in Yerba Mate are similar to those found in tea and are noted for their support in lifting mental and physical fatigue.*


D-Ribose is a fundamental building block in the production of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) which is the body's main energy source. ATP levels can become depleted after vigorous exercise and metabolic stress. Studies have shown that supplementing with D-Ribose may help to replenish depressed levels of ATP and improve muscle energy recovery.*

iTested Verified Coming Soon

iHerb Blog Posts:
Get a Health Boost from these Mushroom Lattes
Metabolism-Boosting Supplements: Get Revved Up the Healthy Way
Mushrooms for Immunity and Whole Body Health

Сведения о добавке
Размер порции: 2 мл (примерно 56 капель)
Количество порций в упаковке: 30
Состав порции % от суточной нормы
Всего углеводов 1 г < 1 %**
Патентованная смесь
Органическая смесь экстрактов грибов
экстракт плодового тела органического красного трутовика лакированного (Ganoderma lucidum)
экстракт листьев зеленого чая (Camellia sinensis)
экстракт плода лимонника (Shizandra chinensis)
экстракт листьев парагвайского чайного дерева (llex paraguariensis)
945 мг
D-рибоза 500 мг
** Проценты от суточной нормы основаны на рационе в 2000 калорий.
†Суточная норма не установлена.
Бренд California Gold Nutrition, CGN
Характеристика 3
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